Sunday, February 16, 2014

"Signal Awareness Day"

Valentine's day is sacred in my life. Boo on those people that call it "Signal Awareness Day". Yes I'm talking to you, Andy. I think it's beautiful to dedicate a day to expressing love to those that strengthen you. Christ taught to love thy neighbor and to show that love to them at all times. Sure Valentine's day is generally centered around couples, but so is Santa to CHRISTmas. I think Valentine's day is grand; even though I don't have a Valentine this year. Truth is, even though I get around a lot in my life, I have only ever had one Valentine. kinda sad really. But that's ok, because you know, "relationships". Whatever. Last night I showed this blog to Andy. She is the only one that knows about it. Super. So shout out to Andy. It's been a really long time since Jamie and I have talked. I hope he's ok. Even though if he is ok, that means he's ok without me being there with him. Truth is, Andy told me that life to Jamie has been going great. But really when you look at how he's been acting and what he's been doing, he's really turned into quite the little fool. "Ten points to Jamie." I want to tell myself that he's going to turn around, and go back to the man I love and the boy that said he loved me that one December along time ago. But pages in storybooks turn and chapters end, and hope fades away like the light in your lover's eyes when they turn from you. Now all I have to say is that I can't forget the time you told me, "I miss you." And all I could say back is, "then fix that."

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